Friday, December 29, 2006

Taking A Look - Back and Forward

Never would I have imagined
that so much would change
during this past year
in so many ways.
So many words to describe the year:
not a fit
oldest son leaving home
middle son starting to work
husband's cancer
major operation
recovery . . . still
seismic shift
fellowship of His suffering
loss of friends
weekly writing assignments
mental challenges
B in Math
Pell Grant
Saccammano Scholarship
longing for significance
learning to rest
not in control
new job
steep learning curve
new world of acquaintances
3.912 GPA
Christmas traditions
great musical Christmas weekend
longing for better focus
praying for His will in 2007

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Leading Up to Christmas

Those waiting in darkness

have seen a great light!

I am singing in a Christmas choir at a church that has previously never had a choir. Why in the world would I be doing this? Honestly, I'm not sure. There are about 80 other folks who are involved in the choir as well. It's a Celebration of Joy for Christmas weekend. We will sing for four services next weekend. I think we'll have it right by Sunday noon!

Our son is coming home for Christmas! How fun is that! (a LOT!) He is driving a rental car. We feel better knowing he will be doing that rather than try to drive his own vehicle. Never know if something might go wrong. The rental car people would take care of him if something does happen. It will be fun to have him around for a few days!

Over the weekend we attended the wedding of one of our young relatives. It was a beautiful event with all the fun and wonder of a wedding. It was a sweet sort of gathering in that we saw many people we haven't been in contact with for awhile. Sometimes I just don't know how to "be" around all the variety of people I know. Of course, I know I'm just supposed to be "ME", but I've worn so many "hats" over the years that I'm not sure which one I'm wearing at this moment. Hmmm . . . it could be that I am wearing a hat that the older acquaintances haven't seen and the newer ones only know me in. (If that makes an ounce of sense . . .)

Last night was the first office Christmas party I've attended in a long time. Actually, I can't remember the last party like that. It was good for us to go though, because we met spouses/significant others of co-workers. We laughed and enjoy great food.

We had just come from our usual Saturday night church event where we met an old friend. She is trying to find a place to worship. I'm not sure this is where she will want to be, but she will sort that out.

I completed my Business Law class. I was pretty worried about a 200 point (out of the total 575 points for the course) final exam. Turns out that I earned 192 out of 200 points. That's pretty ok I guess. My prof emailed me saying I had a 98% in the class. Hopefully I will come out of this Fall semester with near a 3.9 GPA. We'll see.

This next week before Christmas has me out of the house 4 of 5 nights. Three of those are rehearsals. I chuckled at the last minute blaze of rehearsals. We're doing something very new for this church, so it will be fun to be part of these "firsts".