Lessons are best learned by experience it seems. Would you like people to learn without the challenges . . . at least some of the time? Maybe it's just me. My students just finished reading Little Britches by Ralph Moody. It's a rich story of early life in Colorado. It is filled with many life lessons. My students were writing a five paragraph essay on the virtues found in the book. As different students were pondering (out loud) what they were going to write, I came to realize a "life lesson" usually meant learning something from having done something bad. More than one student said, "My parents ask me, 'Have you learned your lesson?' and I realized "learning a lesson" in their 10 yr old minds meant getting it right after having done something wrong. We did discuss that not every lesson has to come out of a bad event. I'm not sure they were convinced.
In a world where absolutes aren't as favorable as fuzzy possibilities, some of Jesus' words are difficult to take. He seemed so sure of Himself. Do people like that unnerve you a bit? Can life lessons be learned from someone so disarming?
In John 8, Jesus didn't condemn a woman caught in sin. He just told her to stop. That sent the religious leaders into a frenzy trying to outsmart Jesus using the law. Jesus was pretty sharp in that He used the leaders' own laws to prove His points. (He's the kind of team player you want on your debate team!) Then, as He often did, he turned the peoples' attitudes back at them and told them more than once that they would "die in their sins". He kept leaving them with absolutes (the "die in your sins" part) which messed with their minds. They wanted to devalue the messenger because they didn't know what to do with the message. How could they comprehend this life lesson?
Something happened though. Jesus declared (John 8:24) that if they didn't believe the I AM was there, they would die in their sins. Something happened that is not described by the author of this book. Jesus kept laying down the absolute; something changed. It was like a light came on for some of the people there. He described what would happen soon hinting at the crucifixion and resurrection. It must have been hard to put into words, but all the author could say at the end of this experience was "many believed Him."
My young readers didn't like some of the absolutes the story of Little Britches taught them, but in the end, their young eyes were opened to life lessons they could understand and explain. They believed the author. Did these religious people have to have a bad experience to learn a life lesson? I actually think the absolutes Jesus laid down caused them to see the truth. They hadn't died in their sins yet. Somewhere the heart of Jesus (I AM) drew them to believe. Those who stuck with the message, found the heart of the messenger rather than criticizing. Must we have absolutes? Absolutely!
Father, black and white absolutes cramp my style. The fuzzy possibilities are less stressful . . . and frank. Just as my students caught the life lessons, I also caught the life lesson You spoke to the religious leaders. I pray for any who might believe absolutes are just too hard. I know without You (I AM), those absolutes would be too hard. I did sneak ahead reading in John's writing of chapter 8. I read that this truth sets us free . . . absolutely!
My mission is to inspire, nurture and release creative purpose so we may live to the full measure of our creation.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Holy Spirit Risk
Risk is so . . . . risky! Somebody challenges you to do something that makes you sweat just to think about it. You just plain don't want to do it. How come they asked you? For heaven's sake. Ask somebody else! Oh wait . . . that somebody was God. (gulp)
John 6 has Jesus telling his followers that they can eat of the bread of life (Him) and never hunger again. They are a bit aghast at the thought. They even get offended and wonder just who would listen to that kind of teaching? Now, He wasn't talking about cannibalism. They were so taken back, they couldn't see He was talking metaphorically. He told them He was speaking to them at the Spirit level rather than at the physical level. Honestly, some of them were so grossed out they left the troop of followers. They questioned among themselves asking who could listen to such a teaching? They saw no risk in leaving the group. They just couldn't follow Him.
Little did the remaining bunch know what they would be facing. When you're risking, sometimes it's better that way. Have you ever heard someone say, "if I knew this was going to happen, I'd never have started this!" Probably their greatest challenge was not the events (although there were plenty of those). The greatest challenge was the risk of trusting the unknown steps forward. Jesus reminded them what they would experience would be about Spirit things. His words (about being the Bread of Life) were about Spirit and truth.
Spirit events are subtle. They are not always so touchable nor are they cleanly explainable. Jesus knew what was coming. Would they lean into the truth of Jesus' words to them? Would they risk His calling on them for the days ahead? Later, Peter blurted out, "Lord where else could we go for the words of life?" A few people hung around to risk. We know the whole story now, and can say it was a worthwhile risk. How do you know if the risk of a Spirit event is worthwhile? Do you think Peter knew the fire of God was going to fall on him and he'd tell a huge group of people that they crucified Jesus? Sometimes it's better just to follow as you hear His voice and trust He will give you all you need at the time. Of course, the more you risk and experience His words in your life, the more you want more . . . and more of His Spirit and life. It's risky!
Father, sometimes I don't know if I have what it takes to risk for Spirit and life. It sounds so good; the stories I read stir me deeply. I will never know until just look You in the face and say "yes". Bread of Life, I cry out for the fulness You bring of Spirit and life. Yes . . .
John 6 has Jesus telling his followers that they can eat of the bread of life (Him) and never hunger again. They are a bit aghast at the thought. They even get offended and wonder just who would listen to that kind of teaching? Now, He wasn't talking about cannibalism. They were so taken back, they couldn't see He was talking metaphorically. He told them He was speaking to them at the Spirit level rather than at the physical level. Honestly, some of them were so grossed out they left the troop of followers. They questioned among themselves asking who could listen to such a teaching? They saw no risk in leaving the group. They just couldn't follow Him.
Little did the remaining bunch know what they would be facing. When you're risking, sometimes it's better that way. Have you ever heard someone say, "if I knew this was going to happen, I'd never have started this!" Probably their greatest challenge was not the events (although there were plenty of those). The greatest challenge was the risk of trusting the unknown steps forward. Jesus reminded them what they would experience would be about Spirit things. His words (about being the Bread of Life) were about Spirit and truth.
Spirit events are subtle. They are not always so touchable nor are they cleanly explainable. Jesus knew what was coming. Would they lean into the truth of Jesus' words to them? Would they risk His calling on them for the days ahead? Later, Peter blurted out, "Lord where else could we go for the words of life?" A few people hung around to risk. We know the whole story now, and can say it was a worthwhile risk. How do you know if the risk of a Spirit event is worthwhile? Do you think Peter knew the fire of God was going to fall on him and he'd tell a huge group of people that they crucified Jesus? Sometimes it's better just to follow as you hear His voice and trust He will give you all you need at the time. Of course, the more you risk and experience His words in your life, the more you want more . . . and more of His Spirit and life. It's risky!
Father, sometimes I don't know if I have what it takes to risk for Spirit and life. It sounds so good; the stories I read stir me deeply. I will never know until just look You in the face and say "yes". Bread of Life, I cry out for the fulness You bring of Spirit and life. Yes . . .
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Pocket Tokens
Are you one of those people who carry something special with you in your pocket or purse? I knew someone who carried a penny that had been run over by a train. I always wondered what significance could come from a flattened penny, but the person seemed to treasure it quite sincerely. Some adults I know still have a teddy bear in bed with them!
Upon arriving in America as a young man, Benjamin Franklin determined to make money - enough money, in fact, to buy his own printing press and eventual business. He had very few clothes and only had a rented room with a bed. Every morning he bought two loaves of bread to eat during the day. He would carry them under his arm and eat them whenever he was hungry. That's all he allotted himself for the entire day. He felt the money he saved would better accumulate for his goals. People noted it seemed an odd practice of carrying a loaf or two of bread under the arm. Franklin felt it was the best way to have what he needed. This went on for a good period of time in his life.
Jesus explained to people near Him that He was that kind of sustenance also. He was really all they needed for nourishment - spiritual nourishment. He was the Bread of Life. Ben was thankful for a day of physical nourishment. Jesus' promise was for nourishment of body and soul. Franklin received no nourishment until the bread was ingested. Carrying the nourishment under his arm was ineffective. He had to take time to eat the bread. Had he only carried it around all day, it would have been of no value to him. So, we must do more than carry the Bread of Life around as a token. To receive the "life" He offers, we must take in His Word. It is life to us!
The writer of Psalms 119:93 declares "I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life."
It's a simple message, yet a challenge nonetheless. What do you carry to remind you of things? Is there a token of something in your pocket? Is there a reminder on your cell phone? What are you doing today to remember the spiritual nourishment Jesus promised?
Father, I carry so many helping tools on my cell phone. I even have the Bible on it. Just having it on my person doesn't give me life. I know I need reminders. I need Your Word as more than a reminder. As habitually as I do many other things, I know I need Jesus, the Bread of Life daily. He is sustaining and nourishing. He is "life" to me!
Upon arriving in America as a young man, Benjamin Franklin determined to make money - enough money, in fact, to buy his own printing press and eventual business. He had very few clothes and only had a rented room with a bed. Every morning he bought two loaves of bread to eat during the day. He would carry them under his arm and eat them whenever he was hungry. That's all he allotted himself for the entire day. He felt the money he saved would better accumulate for his goals. People noted it seemed an odd practice of carrying a loaf or two of bread under the arm. Franklin felt it was the best way to have what he needed. This went on for a good period of time in his life.
Jesus explained to people near Him that He was that kind of sustenance also. He was really all they needed for nourishment - spiritual nourishment. He was the Bread of Life. Ben was thankful for a day of physical nourishment. Jesus' promise was for nourishment of body and soul. Franklin received no nourishment until the bread was ingested. Carrying the nourishment under his arm was ineffective. He had to take time to eat the bread. Had he only carried it around all day, it would have been of no value to him. So, we must do more than carry the Bread of Life around as a token. To receive the "life" He offers, we must take in His Word. It is life to us!
The writer of Psalms 119:93 declares "I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life."
It's a simple message, yet a challenge nonetheless. What do you carry to remind you of things? Is there a token of something in your pocket? Is there a reminder on your cell phone? What are you doing today to remember the spiritual nourishment Jesus promised?
Father, I carry so many helping tools on my cell phone. I even have the Bible on it. Just having it on my person doesn't give me life. I know I need reminders. I need Your Word as more than a reminder. As habitually as I do many other things, I know I need Jesus, the Bread of Life daily. He is sustaining and nourishing. He is "life" to me!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
As I drove into my driveway this weekend, I smelled a wonderful odor. It was that wafting of such richness I knew it could only mean one thing - somebody in the neighborhood was grilling! My mouth started to water. My mind filled with the thought of chicken on the grill, turning veggies with just the right grill marks and a tall lemonade on the side for refreshment. Oh my!
Somewhere in the last few years, I have come to enjoy the idea of grilling. Even if it's hamburgers. I like to fix them up so they are juicy and delectable. I've watched enough cooking shows to know how to add the ingredients to keep them moist and flavorful. They sit on a burger where a thin slice of red onion, a crispy leaf of lettuce and bread and butter stackers (pickle slices) extend over the edges. Of course the bun has been marked on the grill, so it's on the crispy side. You hungry yet?
Proverbs 22:6 says "train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
What does child training have to do with a juicy burger? It's about the palate! In the Hebrew language, "train up" has the meaning of touching the palate. Physically, when a person's palate is touched, they swallow. It's just one of those human body wonders. Metaphorically, parents are encouraged to "touch the palate" of their children with "the way that they should go". It creates a hunger for a certain "way". That is happening whether we realize it or not. Our habits, our actions . . . are a "way". Ultimately, what we are trained to hunger, we want.
Sometimes people feel "force-fed" when it comes to God. The "shoulds" and "musts" take over. "If" seems to play a controlling role as well. Hunger is definitely not there. How is that role reversed and a hunger for God started?
An authentic spiritual experience is an amazing drawing card. There is something about the Presence of God that is so real and refreshing. That experience creates a hunger that is not satisfied by anything less. Such is the opportunity with Jesus, the Bread of Life. He sustains us with His Word. His word is sweet to our taste! It is life and health to our bones. The more we experience Him, the more we want more of Him. It's not selfish . . . it's hunger!
Father, come and step into my world. Whisper life and health to me again. I have experienced Your authentic Presence - it wouldn't be Your Presence any other way. How great it is to know there is nothing else that can touch my palate and cause me to long for more of You. Spirit of the Living God . . . fall afresh on me!
Somewhere in the last few years, I have come to enjoy the idea of grilling. Even if it's hamburgers. I like to fix them up so they are juicy and delectable. I've watched enough cooking shows to know how to add the ingredients to keep them moist and flavorful. They sit on a burger where a thin slice of red onion, a crispy leaf of lettuce and bread and butter stackers (pickle slices) extend over the edges. Of course the bun has been marked on the grill, so it's on the crispy side. You hungry yet?
Proverbs 22:6 says "train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
What does child training have to do with a juicy burger? It's about the palate! In the Hebrew language, "train up" has the meaning of touching the palate. Physically, when a person's palate is touched, they swallow. It's just one of those human body wonders. Metaphorically, parents are encouraged to "touch the palate" of their children with "the way that they should go". It creates a hunger for a certain "way". That is happening whether we realize it or not. Our habits, our actions . . . are a "way". Ultimately, what we are trained to hunger, we want.
Sometimes people feel "force-fed" when it comes to God. The "shoulds" and "musts" take over. "If" seems to play a controlling role as well. Hunger is definitely not there. How is that role reversed and a hunger for God started?
An authentic spiritual experience is an amazing drawing card. There is something about the Presence of God that is so real and refreshing. That experience creates a hunger that is not satisfied by anything less. Such is the opportunity with Jesus, the Bread of Life. He sustains us with His Word. His word is sweet to our taste! It is life and health to our bones. The more we experience Him, the more we want more of Him. It's not selfish . . . it's hunger!
Father, come and step into my world. Whisper life and health to me again. I have experienced Your authentic Presence - it wouldn't be Your Presence any other way. How great it is to know there is nothing else that can touch my palate and cause me to long for more of You. Spirit of the Living God . . . fall afresh on me!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Enough is Enough
How much is enough? For an elementary student, it might be the amount that will get the grade to please mom and dad. For the teenager, it might be the extent to which praise and acceptance will be there. For the dad working day and night to provide for his family, enough might be what it takes to keep his family happy. From these perspectives, "enough" is fairly ambiguous, isn't it?
Somehow that nagging voice whispering in our ear really is hard to shut off. We quote "my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus". We sing "Savior, He can move the mountains, my God is mighty to save . . ". So it's not really so much about God, as it is our belief system.
Actually, "enough" from God's perspective is beyond our greatest expectations. In fact, He is exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think. The Greek word is fun to say . . . "hooper-hooper-eck-peri-soo" Ephesians 3:20. Say that ten times really fast. It has a bit of rhythm to it! It actually says, "above, above, above all". That's pretty far up there!
When Jesus declared He was "the bread of life", He was all they needed - He is enough. John 5:35 says we will never hunger again. Being bread to us is all He has to offer - it is enough. He didn't give just enough for praise, or to receive the acceptance of others or even just to make people happy. The amazing fact is there is no more that could have been given. Poured out as the Bread of Life for us, there was nothing left un-given.
When we experience His hand on our life, we might think He just barely got us by. In reality, He gave all He had. The Bread of Life didn't hold back some for someone else. He will fill each us and satisfy our hunger to our fullest - enough!
Father, "Above, above, above all I ask or think" is beyond my comprehension. What a display of Your majesty! Help me not be unnerved by Your majesty. Thank you, Bread of Life, for being enough for this hungry soul. I have no idea why I think I am enough on my own. You are "hooper-hooper-eck-peri-soo"!
Somehow that nagging voice whispering in our ear really is hard to shut off. We quote "my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus". We sing "Savior, He can move the mountains, my God is mighty to save . . ". So it's not really so much about God, as it is our belief system.
Actually, "enough" from God's perspective is beyond our greatest expectations. In fact, He is exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think. The Greek word is fun to say . . . "hooper-hooper-eck-peri-soo" Ephesians 3:20. Say that ten times really fast. It has a bit of rhythm to it! It actually says, "above, above, above all". That's pretty far up there!
When Jesus declared He was "the bread of life", He was all they needed - He is enough. John 5:35 says we will never hunger again. Being bread to us is all He has to offer - it is enough. He didn't give just enough for praise, or to receive the acceptance of others or even just to make people happy. The amazing fact is there is no more that could have been given. Poured out as the Bread of Life for us, there was nothing left un-given.
When we experience His hand on our life, we might think He just barely got us by. In reality, He gave all He had. The Bread of Life didn't hold back some for someone else. He will fill each us and satisfy our hunger to our fullest - enough!
Father, "Above, above, above all I ask or think" is beyond my comprehension. What a display of Your majesty! Help me not be unnerved by Your majesty. Thank you, Bread of Life, for being enough for this hungry soul. I have no idea why I think I am enough on my own. You are "hooper-hooper-eck-peri-soo"!
Monday, March 24, 2014
A Different Smell
It's Springtime! The trees are budding. We're hoping the frost won't get the fruit. The fragrant blossoms are wafting throughout the valley. People bothered with allergies have swollen eyes and runny noses. There's a certain fragrance in the air.
Have you ever smelled fresh bread out of the oven? It has such a rich aroma. I think of my gramma who baked bread often in the winter. I could smell her bread the minute I walked in the door after school. Sometimes now I go to one of the local bakeries where, when I come in the door, I smell the yeasty odor of freshly baked bread. You can even get frozen bread to thaw, let rise and bake just like gramma. You can make a friend of almost anyone with a warm slice of bread and melted butter!
Just like the smell of freshly baked warm bread, so the Bible says we are to be a "sweet fragrance of Christ". Interestingly enough, we smell the same to people of faith and to those who haven't chosen faith yet. The reaction to the aroma of Christ is diametrically different between the two groups of people. To those who haven't made the choice to follow Jesus, the fragrance of Christ smells like death. To those who have choice to walk with Christ, the fragrance is living and fresh. Paul was explaining this to the Corinthian Christians in his second letter to them. (II Corinthians 2:15-16) In the next chapter, Paul reminds the Christians that nonbelievers had a veil over their hearts, but when there was repentance, that veil was stripped away and Christ could be experienced more clearly. Suddenly, they could "smell" Him in a different way. His fragrance in believers would bring life rather than death.
Do you believe you bring the sweet aroma of Christ to your surroundings? You bring His aroma by living in His Presence and bringing His life to your surroundings. Keep in mind not everyone will like what they "smell" about you. Remember it's the kindness of God that leads us all to repentance. Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life. Christ in you, the hope of glory!
Father, sometimes I worry that I don't bring You to my surroundings all that much. Help me connect more with You and not worry about others. I want to "smell" like You when I'm around people. In the times past that I have experienced Your Presence, it was so good to be there. I believe Your living and fresh life is something so many of my friends would love. Thank you for continuing to move people closer to You and for Your fragrance which moves believers to ever increasing faith!
Have you ever smelled fresh bread out of the oven? It has such a rich aroma. I think of my gramma who baked bread often in the winter. I could smell her bread the minute I walked in the door after school. Sometimes now I go to one of the local bakeries where, when I come in the door, I smell the yeasty odor of freshly baked bread. You can even get frozen bread to thaw, let rise and bake just like gramma. You can make a friend of almost anyone with a warm slice of bread and melted butter!
Just like the smell of freshly baked warm bread, so the Bible says we are to be a "sweet fragrance of Christ". Interestingly enough, we smell the same to people of faith and to those who haven't chosen faith yet. The reaction to the aroma of Christ is diametrically different between the two groups of people. To those who haven't made the choice to follow Jesus, the fragrance of Christ smells like death. To those who have choice to walk with Christ, the fragrance is living and fresh. Paul was explaining this to the Corinthian Christians in his second letter to them. (II Corinthians 2:15-16) In the next chapter, Paul reminds the Christians that nonbelievers had a veil over their hearts, but when there was repentance, that veil was stripped away and Christ could be experienced more clearly. Suddenly, they could "smell" Him in a different way. His fragrance in believers would bring life rather than death.
Do you believe you bring the sweet aroma of Christ to your surroundings? You bring His aroma by living in His Presence and bringing His life to your surroundings. Keep in mind not everyone will like what they "smell" about you. Remember it's the kindness of God that leads us all to repentance. Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life. Christ in you, the hope of glory!
Father, sometimes I worry that I don't bring You to my surroundings all that much. Help me connect more with You and not worry about others. I want to "smell" like You when I'm around people. In the times past that I have experienced Your Presence, it was so good to be there. I believe Your living and fresh life is something so many of my friends would love. Thank you for continuing to move people closer to You and for Your fragrance which moves believers to ever increasing faith!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Eye to Eye
The month of March is about to go out like a lion. It's been very breezy. Ok, maybe down right windy! Doesn't the wind sort of unnerve? Standing on the lake shore with a huge dust bowl racing across the lake makes fishermen duck their heads and pack it in. The fish surely dive to the bottom. Tree limbs clutter the yard and mean extra work.
What about a nice cool breeze on a hot day? Now, that's a different sensation than the dust laden cloud that infiltrates every nook and cranny of wherever it lands. The Bible talks about a continual fresh breeze that renews and refreshes. It's like that fresh gentle breeze on your face.
Acts 3:19 - "Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of The Lord."
In this passage, a man had been leaping and praising God for his healing. As the man clung to Peter and John in gratitude, it drew quite a crowd. Peter used the opportunity to talk about the refreshing of the presence of The Lord. He reminded the people of what they had just done to Jesus - death, burial and the fact of the resurrection. The people, having witnessed the recent events with Jesus and then the healing of this man, were challenged to agree with God's thoughts (repent) and turn from their sins, so that these times of refreshing would come from the presence of The Lord.
The picture of "times of refreshing" looks like a continual fresh breeze. Its a renewing kind of breath rather than the kind that chafes against you. It's good to note that the refreshing comes not with all the doing, but when we come into the presence of the Lord.
"Presence" literally means "that part of anything which is turned or presented to the eye of another". It's an eye-to-eye action. Often couples can catch the eye of their spouse from across the room and they "know that look". Parents often have that connection with their children. These experiences take time to develop and become clearer with experience. The presence (eye to eye) of the Lord is a face to face gaze where looking at the Father brings the realization that He has always been trying to catch your eye. When the gazes meet, the gentle breeze of refreshing is experienced. The Father's gaze opens the floodgates of refreshing breezes to the person who is eye to eye with Him.
It's March. How about letting the Lion of Judah, the Great I AM, the One who holds the world together with his very breath, catch your eye and breathe refreshing over you?
Why not risk and take a look for Him? Has He caught your eye yet?
Father, sometimes its hard for me to look You in the eye. I know myself; I guess You do too for that matter. Remind me repentance is a good thing and the result means I can open my eyes and catch Your eye. As the season around me is renewing and refreshing, how I long for Your times of refreshing. As I meet Your eye, I trust for Your refreshing breeze over my life. March could end in a very special way . . .
What about a nice cool breeze on a hot day? Now, that's a different sensation than the dust laden cloud that infiltrates every nook and cranny of wherever it lands. The Bible talks about a continual fresh breeze that renews and refreshes. It's like that fresh gentle breeze on your face.
Acts 3:19 - "Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of The Lord."
In this passage, a man had been leaping and praising God for his healing. As the man clung to Peter and John in gratitude, it drew quite a crowd. Peter used the opportunity to talk about the refreshing of the presence of The Lord. He reminded the people of what they had just done to Jesus - death, burial and the fact of the resurrection. The people, having witnessed the recent events with Jesus and then the healing of this man, were challenged to agree with God's thoughts (repent) and turn from their sins, so that these times of refreshing would come from the presence of The Lord.
The picture of "times of refreshing" looks like a continual fresh breeze. Its a renewing kind of breath rather than the kind that chafes against you. It's good to note that the refreshing comes not with all the doing, but when we come into the presence of the Lord.
"Presence" literally means "that part of anything which is turned or presented to the eye of another". It's an eye-to-eye action. Often couples can catch the eye of their spouse from across the room and they "know that look". Parents often have that connection with their children. These experiences take time to develop and become clearer with experience. The presence (eye to eye) of the Lord is a face to face gaze where looking at the Father brings the realization that He has always been trying to catch your eye. When the gazes meet, the gentle breeze of refreshing is experienced. The Father's gaze opens the floodgates of refreshing breezes to the person who is eye to eye with Him.
It's March. How about letting the Lion of Judah, the Great I AM, the One who holds the world together with his very breath, catch your eye and breathe refreshing over you?
Why not risk and take a look for Him? Has He caught your eye yet?
Father, sometimes its hard for me to look You in the eye. I know myself; I guess You do too for that matter. Remind me repentance is a good thing and the result means I can open my eyes and catch Your eye. As the season around me is renewing and refreshing, how I long for Your times of refreshing. As I meet Your eye, I trust for Your refreshing breeze over my life. March could end in a very special way . . .
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Passionate Love!
We are a people who hear more Biblical instruction that we can possibly absorb. We believe if we can hear one more tidbit, it will push us over the edge to that great place of magnificent holiness, great testimony and magnanimous works! Sound inviting?
The people who hung around Jesus were impacted and they in turn did the same . . . generally. Andrew went and told Peter about Jesus. Zacheus heard about Jesus and hung out in a tree just to see Him! Why were they doing this? Jesus inspired passion in them so they would change from the inside, have a stronger outside influence and ignite others. They had met "I AM".
Paul lived through that "igniting experience" on the road to Damascus. He was changed. It was really obvious - inside and out. He found people who he could engage to passionately follow Christ. Timothy was one of those people. Paul wrote a letter to Timothy to encourage him to help correct some mindless teaching happening in Ephesus where people would teach strange doctrines. Paul wanted Timothy to give a clear teaching about the truth of Jesus Christ.
I Timothy 1:5 says "The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith."
Paul knew that to teach about I AM meant more than a droll rollout of doctrine. The goal really was love. The instruction would bring about a clean heart from the inside. The instruction would also stir a good conscience. This kind of conscience has a way of showing up in the form of a testimony. Finally, this instruction would give rise to a genuine faith. Timothy knew if his teaching was just doctrinal dogma, it wouldn't produce love. The clean heart would be mere form. The testimony would be sullied. The works produced would be begrudging at best.
Not so with the passionate love Jesus exuded! It caught people in all areas of their life. Timothy wanted the believers in Ephesus to know the passion flowing from I AM was a major component to the goal of love. Love didn't have to be rustled up. I AM passionate love pours out through the heart and the testimony and the works of the believer.
Are you still looking for that one more bit of teaching that will push you over the edge to a great walk with God? Might you ask I AM to reveal His passion to you?
Father, I think I want Your passion running through me. Sometimes I don't realize what I am really praying. I like the idea of losing the mere form of religion. It smells like last weekend's fish bucket. It would be amazing not to worry about whether I am doing "ok" for Jesus. Your passion . . . I need Your passion. I wonder if I know what I am asking? What would Your passionate love look like in my life? I'm not sure I know, but it has to be better than now. Come, Father . . .
The people who hung around Jesus were impacted and they in turn did the same . . . generally. Andrew went and told Peter about Jesus. Zacheus heard about Jesus and hung out in a tree just to see Him! Why were they doing this? Jesus inspired passion in them so they would change from the inside, have a stronger outside influence and ignite others. They had met "I AM".
Paul lived through that "igniting experience" on the road to Damascus. He was changed. It was really obvious - inside and out. He found people who he could engage to passionately follow Christ. Timothy was one of those people. Paul wrote a letter to Timothy to encourage him to help correct some mindless teaching happening in Ephesus where people would teach strange doctrines. Paul wanted Timothy to give a clear teaching about the truth of Jesus Christ.
I Timothy 1:5 says "The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith."
Paul knew that to teach about I AM meant more than a droll rollout of doctrine. The goal really was love. The instruction would bring about a clean heart from the inside. The instruction would also stir a good conscience. This kind of conscience has a way of showing up in the form of a testimony. Finally, this instruction would give rise to a genuine faith. Timothy knew if his teaching was just doctrinal dogma, it wouldn't produce love. The clean heart would be mere form. The testimony would be sullied. The works produced would be begrudging at best.
Not so with the passionate love Jesus exuded! It caught people in all areas of their life. Timothy wanted the believers in Ephesus to know the passion flowing from I AM was a major component to the goal of love. Love didn't have to be rustled up. I AM passionate love pours out through the heart and the testimony and the works of the believer.
Are you still looking for that one more bit of teaching that will push you over the edge to a great walk with God? Might you ask I AM to reveal His passion to you?
Father, I think I want Your passion running through me. Sometimes I don't realize what I am really praying. I like the idea of losing the mere form of religion. It smells like last weekend's fish bucket. It would be amazing not to worry about whether I am doing "ok" for Jesus. Your passion . . . I need Your passion. I wonder if I know what I am asking? What would Your passionate love look like in my life? I'm not sure I know, but it has to be better than now. Come, Father . . .
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Choices! They are supposed to make people feel powerful. Having choices allows people to say to someone else, "This is what I chose!" For some, choices provide a way to separate and identify. "I am one of those by choice. I win . . . I chose!"
However, choices are curious. There is amazing pressure in choosing. Just sliding along means there doesn't need to be a choice so then there is no marginalizing or type casting. Ah, but it has been said that not choosing is actually choosing anyway.
There was once a little guy standing on the front seat of the car. His mom was about to drive off, so she told him to crawl in the back and get into his car seat. The little tyke didn't move. She looked at him; he looked back. Her eyebrows went up; his went down. Finally, after a bit of a standoff, the boy crawled in the backseat and into his car seat. She smiled; he did not. She said, "thank you for sitting down." He said, "I'm still standing up on the inside!" Choices . . .
Jesus found as He got closer to the time of his crucifixion and He asked more of His followers, few of them wanted to make the more dicy choice. Being ostracized, scorned and ridiculed aren't exactly first choices for most people no matter the time or situation. So, as a good group of the "faithful" were leaving, Jesus looked to those who remained and said, "Do you also want to go away?" (John 8:67) Peter had a classic answer - "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Peter continued to explain an ongoing event in their lives. "We have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
Choices! Something was happening in the lives of those closely following Jesus. They had come to believe and know that Jesus was the Christ. It was an ongoing experience that had cemented them to Him. (Yes, we know that later on Peter had a crisis of doubt.) Making choices and living life with Jesus had rooted in them a conviction that there was no where else to turn.
How convinced are you that Jesus has the words of eternal life? Are there other places/ways you can go? Do you? It's about choices . . .
Father, how I want to be single minded and choose You and You alone. I know though, my choices don't always reflect my heart's desire. (Or honestly, they actually might . . .) Most people would say I'm faithful, but inside me I know my choices are sometimes suspect. Really, when it comes right down to it, no one but You has the words of eternal life. I know the choice is mine . . .
However, choices are curious. There is amazing pressure in choosing. Just sliding along means there doesn't need to be a choice so then there is no marginalizing or type casting. Ah, but it has been said that not choosing is actually choosing anyway.
There was once a little guy standing on the front seat of the car. His mom was about to drive off, so she told him to crawl in the back and get into his car seat. The little tyke didn't move. She looked at him; he looked back. Her eyebrows went up; his went down. Finally, after a bit of a standoff, the boy crawled in the backseat and into his car seat. She smiled; he did not. She said, "thank you for sitting down." He said, "I'm still standing up on the inside!" Choices . . .
Jesus found as He got closer to the time of his crucifixion and He asked more of His followers, few of them wanted to make the more dicy choice. Being ostracized, scorned and ridiculed aren't exactly first choices for most people no matter the time or situation. So, as a good group of the "faithful" were leaving, Jesus looked to those who remained and said, "Do you also want to go away?" (John 8:67) Peter had a classic answer - "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Peter continued to explain an ongoing event in their lives. "We have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
Choices! Something was happening in the lives of those closely following Jesus. They had come to believe and know that Jesus was the Christ. It was an ongoing experience that had cemented them to Him. (Yes, we know that later on Peter had a crisis of doubt.) Making choices and living life with Jesus had rooted in them a conviction that there was no where else to turn.
How convinced are you that Jesus has the words of eternal life? Are there other places/ways you can go? Do you? It's about choices . . .
Father, how I want to be single minded and choose You and You alone. I know though, my choices don't always reflect my heart's desire. (Or honestly, they actually might . . .) Most people would say I'm faithful, but inside me I know my choices are sometimes suspect. Really, when it comes right down to it, no one but You has the words of eternal life. I know the choice is mine . . .
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Belief Amidst the Sarcasm
Sarcasm is a jaded sort of humor which insidiously twists into the psyche of both the speaker and the hearer. Often sarcasm is used to wield power of a subtle sort to unarm the hearer from a response - unless it's a sarcastic volley back at the original sender. The tone can escalate to raw humor and probable abuse at the very least of personhood of another. (Ever heard of "coarse jesting?")
"Oh c'mon! We're just kidding around. Isn't this simple teasing? Some people have such thin skin they can't even take a joke!"
Ok . . . maybe. There is an accuser who smears sarcasm like putty on a wall ready for tiles. Anything that attaches to it . . . sticks. When Jesus went out into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, He experienced the accuser. Jesus was tempted in various ways, but the sinister point of sarcasm was clear. "IF you are the Son of God . . . " In the original language, the implication is even closer to a sarcastic "SINCE You are the Son of God . . .". It's not that Satan wanted to acknowledge that Jesus WAS the Son of God, he merely wanted to cynically jab Jesus with an accusatory tone. (Really that's the best he had to offer.) Jesus never bought into it. He not only knew I AM (Yaweh, HBRW), His Father, but He WAS I AM (ego eimi, GRK) The Word of God deflected and diffused every subversive sentence!
How has sarcasm toward spiritual things affected you? There is such a risk to "just believe". Or is there? Thomas somehow missed a meeting with Jesus (and the rest of the gang) when Jesus breathed on them saying, "receive the Holy Spirit and forgive sins" John 20:24-28). Of course, those who were there now had an experience of seeing Jesus. Thomas did not. He'd experienced the screams (audible or not) accusing him of being a follower of Jesus. At this point in the story, he felt pretty dejected. He wasn't going to just swallow somebody's story - hook, line and sinker. But, just leave it to Jesus to meet Thomas where he was. "Here I am Thomas, put your finger in the holes. I'm here for you to see Me so you can believe. Risk it!" There was no shame or sarcasm in Jesus' voice or eyes - only a drawing love that drew Thomas to Him. I AM had come to someone who'd had enough. Thomas responded by reaching out to touch Jesus. He was enough!
What has sarcasm about spiritual things done to your faith? There are people who will risk with you. They have heard the sarcasm; they have reached out to touch Him with their faith. Jesus (I AM) will show Himself to you if you'll just say, "I have to see You!"
Lord Jesus, I have to see You. My heart and soul longs for You just like the Psalmist. I get that You're not offended by my asking to see You. Cut through the sarcasm that surrounds me; walk through even the people who seem so full of faith. Let me see You with my eyes. I'm going to be in the crowd of those looking for You. I can't wait . . .
"Oh c'mon! We're just kidding around. Isn't this simple teasing? Some people have such thin skin they can't even take a joke!"
Ok . . . maybe. There is an accuser who smears sarcasm like putty on a wall ready for tiles. Anything that attaches to it . . . sticks. When Jesus went out into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, He experienced the accuser. Jesus was tempted in various ways, but the sinister point of sarcasm was clear. "IF you are the Son of God . . . " In the original language, the implication is even closer to a sarcastic "SINCE You are the Son of God . . .". It's not that Satan wanted to acknowledge that Jesus WAS the Son of God, he merely wanted to cynically jab Jesus with an accusatory tone. (Really that's the best he had to offer.) Jesus never bought into it. He not only knew I AM (Yaweh, HBRW), His Father, but He WAS I AM (ego eimi, GRK) The Word of God deflected and diffused every subversive sentence!
How has sarcasm toward spiritual things affected you? There is such a risk to "just believe". Or is there? Thomas somehow missed a meeting with Jesus (and the rest of the gang) when Jesus breathed on them saying, "receive the Holy Spirit and forgive sins" John 20:24-28). Of course, those who were there now had an experience of seeing Jesus. Thomas did not. He'd experienced the screams (audible or not) accusing him of being a follower of Jesus. At this point in the story, he felt pretty dejected. He wasn't going to just swallow somebody's story - hook, line and sinker. But, just leave it to Jesus to meet Thomas where he was. "Here I am Thomas, put your finger in the holes. I'm here for you to see Me so you can believe. Risk it!" There was no shame or sarcasm in Jesus' voice or eyes - only a drawing love that drew Thomas to Him. I AM had come to someone who'd had enough. Thomas responded by reaching out to touch Jesus. He was enough!
What has sarcasm about spiritual things done to your faith? There are people who will risk with you. They have heard the sarcasm; they have reached out to touch Him with their faith. Jesus (I AM) will show Himself to you if you'll just say, "I have to see You!"
Lord Jesus, I have to see You. My heart and soul longs for You just like the Psalmist. I get that You're not offended by my asking to see You. Cut through the sarcasm that surrounds me; walk through even the people who seem so full of faith. Let me see You with my eyes. I'm going to be in the crowd of those looking for You. I can't wait . . .
Monday, March 17, 2014
Tell the Stories!
Ps 145:4 - One generation will tell its children of Your mighty acts; let them proclaim Your power.
A couple of years ago, I had the honor of being invited to the home of a Jewish family to celebrate a major holiday of their faith. Because I love the heritage of Hebrew history to my own faith, I jumped at the chance to join three generations at they sat together and celebrated. I was curious to hear the stories as I've read them in the Bible. I wondered if they would tell the stories as they were directed to remember them. How would each generation tell the stories to the next and the next generation?
Moses needed to know who would be the back up for him coming to Pharoah with demands to be released from bondage. Moses had seen the power of God, but going face to face with someone who could kill you seemed an ominous endeavor. Continuing to face Pharoah through the various plagues, Moses became more and more courageous because he experienced the power of I AM. He didn't become complacent in the Presence of God. The more he saw, the more awe-filled he became. He continued to have those celebration days to remember how God (I AM) had shown Himself in powerful ways to protect and strengthen the children of Israel.
What has been your experience with the Presence of God? When Jesus was on the earth, His very presence impacted people and situations. I would have liked to have been in the group when Judas and the others were looking for Jesus to arrest Him. He heard their question about His whereabouts, so He stepped out to meet them. He said, "I AM". The power of His declaration physically threw the pursuers to the ground (John 18:6)! How's that for a story to tell the kids?
Here's what I've noticed though. My Jewish family celebration missed the inexplicable Presence of God. I actually cried on my drive home as I recalled the Hebrew stories I knew of our Mighty God. When I hear those stories of the strong work of I AM, I know I am changed. How could someone miss this amazing power?
Have you heard/read the stories of I AM?
Are you so used to hearing the stories of I AM, that you are no longer impressed by them?
How does the Presence of God affect you?
Father, whether I've heard the stories or not, I pray You would stir me to open my heart to be undone by Your Presence. Your stories are magnificent, but even more, they are life changing. Every area of my life provides an opportunity where You have stood in history as I AM. There is no place where I AM is inefficient or inadequate. If I am unsure I can lean on You, remind me to read the stories of those who did and experienced the power of I AM. The next time someone wonders where God is in a situation, I need Your nudge to remind me I AM is there!
A couple of years ago, I had the honor of being invited to the home of a Jewish family to celebrate a major holiday of their faith. Because I love the heritage of Hebrew history to my own faith, I jumped at the chance to join three generations at they sat together and celebrated. I was curious to hear the stories as I've read them in the Bible. I wondered if they would tell the stories as they were directed to remember them. How would each generation tell the stories to the next and the next generation?
Moses needed to know who would be the back up for him coming to Pharoah with demands to be released from bondage. Moses had seen the power of God, but going face to face with someone who could kill you seemed an ominous endeavor. Continuing to face Pharoah through the various plagues, Moses became more and more courageous because he experienced the power of I AM. He didn't become complacent in the Presence of God. The more he saw, the more awe-filled he became. He continued to have those celebration days to remember how God (I AM) had shown Himself in powerful ways to protect and strengthen the children of Israel.
What has been your experience with the Presence of God? When Jesus was on the earth, His very presence impacted people and situations. I would have liked to have been in the group when Judas and the others were looking for Jesus to arrest Him. He heard their question about His whereabouts, so He stepped out to meet them. He said, "I AM". The power of His declaration physically threw the pursuers to the ground (John 18:6)! How's that for a story to tell the kids?
Here's what I've noticed though. My Jewish family celebration missed the inexplicable Presence of God. I actually cried on my drive home as I recalled the Hebrew stories I knew of our Mighty God. When I hear those stories of the strong work of I AM, I know I am changed. How could someone miss this amazing power?
Have you heard/read the stories of I AM?
Are you so used to hearing the stories of I AM, that you are no longer impressed by them?
How does the Presence of God affect you?
Father, whether I've heard the stories or not, I pray You would stir me to open my heart to be undone by Your Presence. Your stories are magnificent, but even more, they are life changing. Every area of my life provides an opportunity where You have stood in history as I AM. There is no place where I AM is inefficient or inadequate. If I am unsure I can lean on You, remind me to read the stories of those who did and experienced the power of I AM. The next time someone wonders where God is in a situation, I need Your nudge to remind me I AM is there!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Fishing Day
I live near a group of little lakes on the outskirts of town. They have fish in them and I enjoy tossing out a line to see what the fish might like. It's usually very simple for me. My tackle box fits in my back pocket and I travel light. I get to drove the truck. I am so lucky!
I know I should be cleaning in the yard but I think I need some attitude adjustment time too-fishing!
I know I should be cleaning in the yard but I think I need some attitude adjustment time too-fishing!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Life indeed!
Life Indeed!
Do you know how to progress in your job? Is there a delineated way for you to know you are progressing? I heard someone say that they didn't really know how to progress any higher in their job because their company had just restructured the employee evaluation standards. They felt like it was impossible to get the highest rating so their incentive to grow was stifled. Where could they go from here? When a person spends so much of their day on the job, it's not very enriching to know there's not really much more they can do for success. If they reach higher sales, the bar will only be raised. If customer service increases, more will be expected. The expectation rate only rises. Where can a person find that sense of a great life when, at least in their job arena, the ceiling has been hit?
"As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be proud and arrogant and contemptuous of others, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on God, Who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for [our] enjoyment. [Charge them] to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous of heart, ready to share [with others], In this way laying up for themselves [the riches that endure forever as] a good foundation for the future, so that they may grasp that which is life indeed." (1 Timothy 6:17-19 AMP)
Paul wrote Timothy challenging believers to set their hopes on God "who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." He was to give them a clear charge to 1) do good, 2) be rich in good works, 3) be liberal and generous of heart and 4) be ready to share with others. Have you noticed there isn't a great deal about money as the source of these things they were to do? No, Timothy had "life indeed" in view when he challenged them to make these acts a part of their everyday life - a life creating a different kind of foundation which would richly sustain them forever. (I TIMOTHY 6:17-19 AMP)
Maybe we need to ask ourselves where our treasure is? What kind of life creates treasure? Timothy exhorts his fellow believers to find their treasure in creating a foundation which would enrich them and cause them to experience growth in God's kind of life. Looking from the outside, could I see myself foundationally strong and enriched if I were to do the four things above? Yes, there is the risk of abuse by an employer or neighbor or friend when were give so freely. Even through the challenging times, Timothy believed our foundation is growing and being enriched. It is this kind of "life indeed" which will sustain us when we don't get those evaluation reviews we had believed for or the recognition we felt we earned. Let's reach where the evaluations can't extend - to the heart of Jesus. He has come that I might have life and life more abundantly. That's my kind of foundation - "life indeed!"
Father, it's so easy for me to look to recognition from my job or people around me. I know You are pleased, but I want to keep in mind the foundation I am building as I obey You. I see past today and on down the road to my future. Remind me I am building a future whose foundation is more than money. My rich treasure is in what I do out of love and caring and generosity. Thank you Father for "life indeed"!
Do you know how to progress in your job? Is there a delineated way for you to know you are progressing? I heard someone say that they didn't really know how to progress any higher in their job because their company had just restructured the employee evaluation standards. They felt like it was impossible to get the highest rating so their incentive to grow was stifled. Where could they go from here? When a person spends so much of their day on the job, it's not very enriching to know there's not really much more they can do for success. If they reach higher sales, the bar will only be raised. If customer service increases, more will be expected. The expectation rate only rises. Where can a person find that sense of a great life when, at least in their job arena, the ceiling has been hit?
"As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be proud and arrogant and contemptuous of others, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on God, Who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for [our] enjoyment. [Charge them] to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous of heart, ready to share [with others], In this way laying up for themselves [the riches that endure forever as] a good foundation for the future, so that they may grasp that which is life indeed." (1 Timothy 6:17-19 AMP)
Paul wrote Timothy challenging believers to set their hopes on God "who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." He was to give them a clear charge to 1) do good, 2) be rich in good works, 3) be liberal and generous of heart and 4) be ready to share with others. Have you noticed there isn't a great deal about money as the source of these things they were to do? No, Timothy had "life indeed" in view when he challenged them to make these acts a part of their everyday life - a life creating a different kind of foundation which would richly sustain them forever. (I TIMOTHY 6:17-19 AMP)
Maybe we need to ask ourselves where our treasure is? What kind of life creates treasure? Timothy exhorts his fellow believers to find their treasure in creating a foundation which would enrich them and cause them to experience growth in God's kind of life. Looking from the outside, could I see myself foundationally strong and enriched if I were to do the four things above? Yes, there is the risk of abuse by an employer or neighbor or friend when were give so freely. Even through the challenging times, Timothy believed our foundation is growing and being enriched. It is this kind of "life indeed" which will sustain us when we don't get those evaluation reviews we had believed for or the recognition we felt we earned. Let's reach where the evaluations can't extend - to the heart of Jesus. He has come that I might have life and life more abundantly. That's my kind of foundation - "life indeed!"
Father, it's so easy for me to look to recognition from my job or people around me. I know You are pleased, but I want to keep in mind the foundation I am building as I obey You. I see past today and on down the road to my future. Remind me I am building a future whose foundation is more than money. My rich treasure is in what I do out of love and caring and generosity. Thank you Father for "life indeed"!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Spring Cleaning - Heart Style
At our house we opened the windows this week to let the fresh air in and the stale air out. The smell was so good! Green shoots are appearing around town. A lovely yellow bouquet of daffodils sits on my desk. They were closed and still at the first of the week. By now, they are opened up completely. It's almost like they are gulping the sunshine and reaching out their petals to catch all the sun they can.
We concluded a teaching about being "discontent" this past Sunday. I have to say my discontent has been challenged. It's like a burr under my saddle; I can't figure how to stay in the same comfort zone and still enjoy freshness. You think God really wants those two things to exist at the same time? (If we were having this conversation in person, you'd probably be shaking your head.)
We have this dilemma - what do we do with the nagging burr? The longing of freshness makes us want to search more than usual. Winter bears the seed but the scent of freshness stirs birth from barrenness. Almost overnight the shoot separates the earth to find its way to newness. Stretching for warmth and open spaces, it is empowered to move past obstacles. How many times have you seen this event happen in the most unlikely places? Remember seeing some green plant (or weed) pressing through something that it really shouldn't? (Some of you might be thinking about racing to the garage for weed killer about now.) That plant has grit!
Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." I long for the freshness of God in my heart. I wonder if my treasure brings freshness to my heart? Could the things I think are treasures actually be a source of my discontent? If my heart is struggling to find the freshness of God and experience His wide open spaces of freedom, I wonder if there's a hint of discontent smoldering from what has been my treasure. Where is my grit?
Here's a dare: (I double dog dare you!) Lay one of your treasures aside for 21 days and see if it still holds such a love in your life. Can you go without a movie for 21 days? How about skipping that video game for 21 days? How about passing on the Starbucks, taking that money and tossing it in a jar each day; ask God to show you what to do with the money on day 22.
Father, Reveal the thing I treasure most . . . then maybe the thing I treasure second to the most, etc. Show me which one would be Your choice for me to lay aside for 21 days. There is a winter seed that wants to be birthed to a life of freshness. Pull me from the shelf of discontent onto the 21 day journey of laying aside one of my treasures. I trust You to lead me into the wide open space of Your freshness in the days ahead.
We concluded a teaching about being "discontent" this past Sunday. I have to say my discontent has been challenged. It's like a burr under my saddle; I can't figure how to stay in the same comfort zone and still enjoy freshness. You think God really wants those two things to exist at the same time? (If we were having this conversation in person, you'd probably be shaking your head.)
We have this dilemma - what do we do with the nagging burr? The longing of freshness makes us want to search more than usual. Winter bears the seed but the scent of freshness stirs birth from barrenness. Almost overnight the shoot separates the earth to find its way to newness. Stretching for warmth and open spaces, it is empowered to move past obstacles. How many times have you seen this event happen in the most unlikely places? Remember seeing some green plant (or weed) pressing through something that it really shouldn't? (Some of you might be thinking about racing to the garage for weed killer about now.) That plant has grit!
Matthew 6:21 says, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." I long for the freshness of God in my heart. I wonder if my treasure brings freshness to my heart? Could the things I think are treasures actually be a source of my discontent? If my heart is struggling to find the freshness of God and experience His wide open spaces of freedom, I wonder if there's a hint of discontent smoldering from what has been my treasure. Where is my grit?
Here's a dare: (I double dog dare you!) Lay one of your treasures aside for 21 days and see if it still holds such a love in your life. Can you go without a movie for 21 days? How about skipping that video game for 21 days? How about passing on the Starbucks, taking that money and tossing it in a jar each day; ask God to show you what to do with the money on day 22.
Father, Reveal the thing I treasure most . . . then maybe the thing I treasure second to the most, etc. Show me which one would be Your choice for me to lay aside for 21 days. There is a winter seed that wants to be birthed to a life of freshness. Pull me from the shelf of discontent onto the 21 day journey of laying aside one of my treasures. I trust You to lead me into the wide open space of Your freshness in the days ahead.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Courage for Newness
Each summer I watch our mulberry tree in the front yard bear new fruit. I have the joy of picking those berries and enjoying them on pancakes and in my cereal. For many years now, we've cared for that tree by pruning it and watering it. It's amazing to watch it's renewal each year!
Just as that tree brings fruit to our table each summer, so there is a process where I may have renewal or "freshness" as well. As an act of my faith, I identify with Christ in His death so that I may experience that resurrection life.
Romans 6:4 - "Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life."
Romans 7:6 - "But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter."
newness - kainotes - (kahee-not'-ace) - freshness, renewal, not simply an experience similar to the past, but a qualitative different one; having not been this way before
The above two passages are the only places this word "newness" is used in the Bible. It stems from the same initial experience (salvation) but produces a qualitatively different experience from past experiences. In Christian circles, that "experience" is sometimes called "growth" or "maturity". It is more than the acquiring of more knowledge. It is literally walking by the Spirit out into places we've not yet been.
It's interesting that many of us want to "grow" and experience the Father more, but going where we've never gone before makes us anxious. So, the tension between our desire to grow and the anxiousness of the unknown can cause us to "freeze" in our tracks. The wonderful thing about the Father, though, is that He knows where we should grow and will continually "draw" us to that growth. That "drawing" might look like a desire to be with certain people. It might look like wanting to read the Bible more. It might look like talking to the Father more than ever before.
Suddenly we find that the "pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change". Taking the step out into "the wide open spaces" of the Father becomes a joy. It's found that all along He was leading and creating hunger for more of Him. Our vision of Him is qualitatively larger and keener. There are new areas of Him that open to us. Courage to keep going rises because of the way He met us for the current step of growth. That is a picture of the "newness" of life in the Spirit!
Just as I know my mulberry tree has in it the potential for bearing fruit, so I know the Father has put in us the potential for growth.
Father, I sense Your drawing hand. I know You want to see me walk in newness of life more than I even know. Help me not fear so much the change but long for the newness of life You offer. I know what it is like to feel that pressure to serve because I am supposed to serve. What potential do you see in me, Father? I need courage!
Just as that tree brings fruit to our table each summer, so there is a process where I may have renewal or "freshness" as well. As an act of my faith, I identify with Christ in His death so that I may experience that resurrection life.
Romans 6:4 - "Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life."
Romans 7:6 - "But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter."
newness - kainotes - (kahee-not'-ace) - freshness, renewal, not simply an experience similar to the past, but a qualitative different one; having not been this way before
The above two passages are the only places this word "newness" is used in the Bible. It stems from the same initial experience (salvation) but produces a qualitatively different experience from past experiences. In Christian circles, that "experience" is sometimes called "growth" or "maturity". It is more than the acquiring of more knowledge. It is literally walking by the Spirit out into places we've not yet been.
It's interesting that many of us want to "grow" and experience the Father more, but going where we've never gone before makes us anxious. So, the tension between our desire to grow and the anxiousness of the unknown can cause us to "freeze" in our tracks. The wonderful thing about the Father, though, is that He knows where we should grow and will continually "draw" us to that growth. That "drawing" might look like a desire to be with certain people. It might look like wanting to read the Bible more. It might look like talking to the Father more than ever before.
Suddenly we find that the "pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change". Taking the step out into "the wide open spaces" of the Father becomes a joy. It's found that all along He was leading and creating hunger for more of Him. Our vision of Him is qualitatively larger and keener. There are new areas of Him that open to us. Courage to keep going rises because of the way He met us for the current step of growth. That is a picture of the "newness" of life in the Spirit!
Just as I know my mulberry tree has in it the potential for bearing fruit, so I know the Father has put in us the potential for growth.
Father, I sense Your drawing hand. I know You want to see me walk in newness of life more than I even know. Help me not fear so much the change but long for the newness of life You offer. I know what it is like to feel that pressure to serve because I am supposed to serve. What potential do you see in me, Father? I need courage!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Talent Search
Do you ever wonder why it seems some people have all the
talent? Comparisons cause us to shrink sometimes because we compare and
contrast ourselves with others. Why do we think there is just one type of
person who can do a certain job? Certainly truck drivers have to be trained for
skills needed. Dental technicians need to be trained in their craft. Salespersons
need to know their product and be skilled in selling it. But, have you ever
noticed not all truck drivers are alike? How about those dental techs? They
come in all shapes and sizes . . . and
temperaments. They all are skilled, but they are still different.
Eph 2:10 says “We are God’s workmanship (masterpiece),
created in Christ Jesus to do good works”. The picture of that masterpiece is
that of a poem (Greek word is “poeme”). It’s as though the poem was written
with our talents already named and we have the joy of living out the “poem” He
has written! It puts a rather different look on talents, doesn’t it?
How do we know what we can do? It might be that we need
places to try out our skills. Generally, skills can be learned. Maybe not
everyone is comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. Taking a Toastmaster’s
Class might help. Being a truck driver takes just a little bit of “crazy” from
the beginning. I can’t even imagine being a dental tech! More than skills,
there must be a willingness to work on the craft. Squeezing an 18-wheeler down
a skinny street takes some skill, but it also takes the courage of the driver.
Speaking in front of a crowd can leave a timid person breathless (and faint).
Being a dental technician takes . . . . well
. . . the patience of Job! Maybe there are needs that could be met
without such technical skills.
Maybe the key to the talent search is finding people who
will “try” at least a couple of times to see how they do at a particular job.
If you can’t keep the cushions straight on your couch, does that disqualify you
from straightening the chairs in the sanctuary? Likely not! If you burned last
night’s dessert, does that mean you shouldn’t offer to bring something for
munchies at church? Be daring! There are always people to rescue you if your
risk to teach a children’s class doesn’t go so well. It’s nice to know you’re
never out there by yourself. It is possible, that wherever you serve will go
well and you’ll wonder why you never previously gave it a try!
So get honest now . . . what talent do you have to share
with others? Get daring . . . stretch . . . it’s a safe risk!
Father, sometimes I think my life is more packed than I
want. I understand there are talents You have put within me. Some of them, I’ve
developed over the years. Help me remember they are there for a good reason. No
one is tired of my talents – nor should I be. What joy it brings to You to see
me living out what You have placed in me. My heart for serving might need
renewing, but I know You want to see me try those “skinny street” challenges.
It would mean I would need to trust You even more. Ahhh . . . now I understand.
You want me to grow. Thank you, Father!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Spending A Moment
The alarm rings . . . Yawn . . . already? Drifting . . . . zzzz . . . wait! Eyes fly open and close quickly. What time is it? Rub eyes . . . it is morning. Hmmm . . . is it Good morning, Lord! or good lord, morning! Alarm clocks have brash sounds (if they are really going to wake you up!) that seem to bury deep into the psyche.
Time . . .everything is about time. It’s all about schedules or keeping up with the “to do” list. It feels like there’s never enough of it, but if, by chance it is enjoyed, guilt seems to push out the enjoyment with a pile of “shoulds”. Sounds pretty jaded, eh?
Are you settled comfortably with how you spend your time? If we all get 24 hours, then we all start out at the gate on equal footing. That seems fair enough. Those of us who name Jesus as Lord find we have A Source to whom we must go for direction of those 24 hours. Not only are we to number our days (Ps 50:12), but we also are challenged to live purposefully. We are challenged not to merely wander through our 24 hours letting time happen to us, but we are to “redeem” (make the most of) the time given us (Ephesians 5:15-16). There’s a directive of wisdom given us to be careful about our use of time. How is that working out for you?
There are a couple of different Greek words for “time”. One kind of time is the moment by moment passing of minutes; it’s called “chronos" time. Chronology is the word we use for the logical minute by minute passing of time. Another word for “time” is “kairos”. This kind of time is a very specific moment that stands out from the rest. Paul had a “kairos” moment on the road to Damascus. Have you ever experienced a “moment” with God about which you still think even though it may have happened some time ago? That was a “kairos” moment. Those are the times when God broke in on your “chronos” time and spoke His heart to you. You remember it. You knew it was Him. When that moment is gone, you feel a little hollow – something is missing. We know He is always with us (at least at a head level), but those amazing times when He steps from His timeless dimension into our chronological orderings leave us changed. What if we measured time between “kairos” moments rather than “chronos” moments? What if we could listen so closely to Him that we experience the “kairos” moments closer together? What would you do for those kinds of moments?
Maybe Kingdom time is not about “to do” lists or a pile of “shoulds” for God. Maybe Kingdom time encompasses those measures of moments leaning into the Father and Him whispering His heart to us. Is this a picture of “redeeming the time” given to us? Oh my! Until you’ve experienced those measures of moments with Him, you will reach for the lesser fulfillments of Earth. Until the God of “kairos” moments meets you in your “chronos” measurements, you will only fill your 24 hours with the things of Earth. The more you experience the “kairos” moments, the more you will hunger for Him.
What will you do with the next 24 hours?
If you lean into Him, do you think He might open to you His measured moments?
Father, I love to spend time with You. Sometimes my day gets away from me before I realize it. Yes, there are demands for my time. Yes, I waste it too. I repent. Just like the Psalmist, I long for You. You are water to my soul. I want to listen for you today for those special measured moments that are just between You and me. Break in on my day. . . I will listen for You . . . .
Saturday, March 01, 2014
Sucker Protection - Skepticism
Have you
ever found there are some people who just won’t believe you? They are sure
there is a “catch” somewhere or somehow. The blind man mentioned John 9:8-9 must have
heard many a comment about the validity of his healing. People made excuses for their skepticism so they would not be
uncomfortable with the results. Have we become equally cynical? It must be those blasted infomercials! They
are never as they seem. Yes, that’s it; you can’t believe anything you see. The
daily adventures of mailbox offerings (snail mail as well as email) only
embolden us to assure ourselves that we will not be suckered into some scam.
There’s a sense of satisfaction knowing no one fooled us.
What about
the matters of the Kingdom of God? What do you do when something happens about
which you are not comfortable? Excuses seem easier than actually just believing
that God might have moved in a person’s life. Ponder those people who are
closer to the Kingdom of God than you might know (or think). Oh how messy moves of God can be on opened
heart humans!
Jesus sees
people as potentials for a full life in His Kingdom. If we could only see
through His eyes! Actually, we can. It just means reminding ourselves to push
past the comfort zone of our thinking and drop the pride of being suckered. I
don’t have to know another person’s complete story; Jesus does. I don’t have to
have all my questions answered; Jesus knows. He is the author and finisher of our (all of us!) faith. (Heb. 12:2)
How are you
protecting yourself from being suckered and maybe missing how God is moving in
your sphere of influence?
Father, I confess I hate to look
foolish. Being suckered is not comfortable. Sometimes I don’t know who is
authentic and who is not. Help me lay aside the weight of skepticism. You start
each person’s walk of faith and we each are on a journey of finishing. Remind me that I don’t know their journey,
but You do. Stir me to look to You as we are all moving to finish well!
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