Ever met someone who delights in being a thorn in your life?
I was sure that I am such a likeable person that there'd never be anyone like this in my life. (Ok, stop rolling your eyes!) Well, sure enough, I have found someone. This coworker is a wonderful opportunity to get a little glimpse of what a "burr under the saddle" feels like - or the proverbial thorn. Being talked about within my earshot is something that my mother taught me shouldn't happen. If you're going to talk about someone, at least don't do it where they can hear you!
This coworker says she is completely oblivious to anything about me - doesn't want to hear and frankly, doesn't care either. It kills her when I build her up in front of customers. Somehow, I delight in finding ways to compliment her and make her have to recognize that I'm saying nice things to her. Who knows if anything I say will impact her for Christ. She is quick to say that "religious people" are just nutty. Could be the background of being raised in a tough Catholic school that has done that to her. Sometimes, all my compassion pours out and I just smile. Sometimes, all my grouchiness pours out and I want to pull her bottom lip up over her forehead. I guess the first choice is more godly, eh? (ok . . . maybe not as fun though . . .)
So, I'm off to another morning of working around this coworker. I just need to keep my head on straight and not let her get to me. I have this running conversation with the Holy Spirit.
"Please . . .can't I say something back that would put her in her place?"
"What would that do for your testimony of Christ?"
"I promise, I'll be very discreet. I'm very good at giving sugar coated digs."
"Digs are still digs . . . how about just keep pouring grace on her?"
"Well bleah . . . digs feel so much better!"
"People are watching you. Remember that you have lots of coworkers. There are people who see what you do and say."
"Ok . . . I'll trust You on that one . . ."
"Good thinking . . ."