Thursday, January 12, 2006

Small Group Experience

I had the joy of being in a small group last night.

We worshipped and enjoyed being together. The topic was faith. Many of the women in the group (it was a women's group) had gone through some pretty traumatic events in their lives thus prompting them to tell of their different experiences of faith. I enjoyed hearing their stories of challenge yet seeming to come back to the foundation of knowing that God is their source of hope. Like Peter determined, they would settle to the fact that Jesus "alone has the words of life."

As a smaller group of four of us circled to share concerns, I was touched by the candor and transparency of each woman. They knew we didn't have time for a long long story, but they so wanted to share their hearts. My heart was touched and I want to pray for them all week. We didn't swap phone numbers or emails, so I really can't get in touch with them. I know God will bridge that gap.

The format is really very simple. It's interesting because there's really no fluff to this group. There is no coffee, no food - not even games for ice breakers. There just seems to be a heart to get together. I like it because I love to worship and I love to be in the Word. I am hoping that the teachings ahead will be as meaty as last night. I have the feeling they will be.

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