Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Waiting . . .

I don't know about you, but waiting is not one of my fortes. I just haven't learned to do it well. When I get an idea or passion in my head, I just want to forge on with it! Why do I feel like there's a hesitation for everything? Ok . . . maybe sometimes I've had some hairbrained ideas. Hey . . . how would I know they were hairbrained if I hadn't talked them out with someone?!

I am waiting this week for a decision on a job possibility. At the moment, it feels like I have waited all year for this opporunity, but I also know that God has my days in His hands and I have a great peace. I am waiting for a very long week at work to be done. I'm not looking forward to 10 hours on my feet this coming Saturday. I am waiting for complete clarity in some decisions that I have to make that will affect many areas of my entire life.

It's interesting that the one thing I face this day with is the assurance that God is moving forward. He is not waiting - He's at work. Ok . . . He might be waiting for humans to act and then He can work through those people. I don't want to get into a big theological thing here. I do know that I do believe that He is at work on my behalf. I want to snuggle up close to Him to hear His heartbeat and pulse for the day. I really do know that He is the only one who has a full grasp on the whole picture. That's actually quite reassuring to me!

So . . . I wait. Time ticks on. People make decisions. God is at work. I wait . . .

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