The New Year slipped in and lost a month before I turned around!
After enjoying about five weeks of holiday break, I got back to college classes. Human Resource Management I wasn't all that hard. Our professor works locally as an IT manager for our county. His real life stories have been helpful for me to connect with the whole idea of human resources. I appreciate his down-to-earth thinking in daily work. I can see he has a very real faith in God that filters through his life. Tomorrow night will begin a second class with him. From the reading I've gleaned so far, I can see that I will really enjoy this second part of Human Resource Management.
The other course I am will finish after this week is Life Span and Development. Looking at every age group through the lenses of 1) biosocial, 2) cognitive and 3) psychosocial development has been interesting. I have a four hour exam to take on Friday to see just how much of all of this I have learned. Have to let you know on that one . . .
My husband will go for another bone scan on Tuesday. The oncologists are looking for anything that might be showing up different than the May '06 and Nov '06 scans previously done. He is taking good care of himself and working every day. That's a good thing, I think.
Still feeling this urgency to keep on this time line, my graduation hopefully will happen at the end of '07. There is so much to learn. After 25 years in one area of work, I wonder what I'm going to read this year or who I will meet that will nudge me toward my next area of work. Mysteries are not all that fun for me - particularly if I am in the middle of it!
My small group is my connection for discussion these days. Laurie Beth Jones wrote Jesus Life Coach. Killing some time at Barnes and Noble one night, this book jumped right off the shelf at me. You've had that happen, right? I bought it and started to read it. Then I realized I needed someone to walk with me through this book. About that time, the Small Groups people at my church were encouraging me to start a small group. I mentioned this book. They said, "Put a table up at the Small Groups Rally and see who is interested." I did; thirty women signed up to connect in one way or another. About a dozen find their way to our weekly gathering at a local Christian bookstore. Watching the hits on the site tells me there are more of the group who connect via the blog. There are teachers and other professional women who can't get away during the day, but they are following along with the book and the blog. It's interesting; God knows who He is touching through this endeavor!
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