In reading the chapter about procrastination, I found myself getting just a little tense. Thoughts ran through my brain like "whoever wrote this must not have family, friends, church, dirty dishes, pets, a house and yard, a car to keep up, school, assignments, kids who need rides, etc, etc." Well? Am I too whiny?
I once heard someone say I would have enough time in each day to do what God was directing me to do. What do you think about that statement? If I don't get things done, am I over committed? Or just procrastinating?
Among our group, there are those of you who really aren't pressed for time and can have a sense of only doing what you want to do. You're probably retired and have earned that position! Now, for the rest of us . . . I've often said I feel like the guy who has to keep 12 plates spinning all at one time. You ever felt that way?
It's likely I'm "avoiding" because it doesn't feel like I can complete all I need to do. Ever heard of the Tyranny of the Urgent? Sometimes the peace of God that passes all understanding gets squeezed out by "emergencies". What is your experience and how are you living in peace without procrastination?
God is perfect. If every day you do everything God has set aside for you to do, then you will get it all done, because God wouldn't give you too much in one day.
So, yeah, if you aren't getting everything done that you want/need to get done a) it didn't need to get done, b) you procrastinated or c) you did something that you weren't supposed to do.
Of course .... I'm just as guilty for procrastinating as the next person since I RARELY get everything done in one day that I'm supposed to.
Hey Christine! Great to see you again. I actually goofed because this piece was written for another one of my blogs. How nutty is that? BUT, WOW . . . I get to hear from you . .must have been a God thing, eh?
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