Sunday, November 13, 2005

Could I Do This?

Volunteer Champion Full-time, management level position responsible for overseeing development and support of volunteers in all of (name of church deleted) ministries. For consideration, please submit a cover letter and résumé to (name deleted), Executive Pastor, by November 22, 2005. Qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview as soon as possible. For more info call (named deleted).

This was in a church bulletin this weekend. Yowza! I know this church (it's not the one I call "home".) My heart did a leap though when I read this job description. Do I think I could do that?

In August, I went to a Leadership Summit put on by the Willow Creek Association. I was strongly stirred as Bill Hybels talked about valuing and honoring volunteers. I bought a little book at the Summit which details how Willow Creek Community Church finds, nutures and develops its volunteers.

It is amazing to me. It doesn't appear to be "rocket science". It really is about empowering other people. The volunteers-to-be can go online to find "The Top 10 Needs" List. Even the list of volunteer opportunities have been named to draw people with those passions. I can see myself loving to be a Cappucino Bar Server! How fun does that sound?! Ok . . . ok . . .there are needs for a guy small group leader or meal providers (among other things) if you're not such an "upfront" person.

What does all of this have to do with God and church and holiness? EVERYTHING! It's about mining the passion in people first, then discovering ways they can serve God with that passion. It's about leadership visioning, training and empowering people.

There is an ingenious ingredient in this volunteer program. It's about exiting. Imagine knowing that your leadership really wants you to keep asking God if you're where you should be? You know that they care more about you being in the will of God than filling slots. They trust that you will be faithful to your word and complete your assignment but . . . you also know the parameters of your assignment. Indefinate is not in the job description!

If I applied for this job, it would be a complete change in my life. I'd be working full time and have to rearrange things quite a bit. I'd be leaving a church that I've attended and served in for 24 years. It would be a paradigm shift of magnanimous proportions. Hey . . . truth is that I might not even be considered for the job. So . . . I'm asking myself . . . should I go ahead and apply? Of course, I haven't even begun to check in with God about this specifically. The thing that I know is that for over a year now, I have felt restlessness trying to put "new wine" into "old wineskins". God has been stirring me about vision and the fact that I'm in the 2nd half of my life (over 50). It's about meaning and value. It's about leaving a legacy.

My thinking has been that if it means change for me to know that power of productivity in the Kingdom again, maybe I should just go for it.


Kitty Cheng said...

yeah why don't you go for it?

Yadah said...

Actually . .I DID put in my resume. The executive pastor in charge of this decision will talk with me next week. After seeing my resume, they might have other positions for which I might bet better suited. They have asked to talk with me about those, so I guess I have to wait and see!

Thanks for checking in, Kitty!

Magdaleine said...

I'm waiting anxiously, with hopes and prayers, to see what comes of this.