Friday, February 21, 2014

The High Ways

"My ways are higher than yours . . . "
Is. 55:8
As a parent, I recall reminding my children that I really do have more experience (and hard knocks) in real life, so it might be good to listen to me. That statement is followed by how smart a parent gets in correlation to the age of the child. Younger . . . smart parent. Teens . . . not so smart parent. College age  . . . a little smarter parent. Career age . . . smart parent.
It only makes sense to me that God has ways much higher than mine. If not, He wouldn't be all that spectacular, right? There are myriads of people smarter and wiser than me. I can't imagine serving a God who is only my equal. So what about the "high ways"?

I'd sure like to know more about those high ways. I know I can through the Bible. Is that it though? Actually, is that enough? You'd think it would be, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing I have access to the high ways is sometimes all I need. I know God loves me, I know he is in control, I know he gives me a purpose to glorify him which makes it easier to rest in the knowing of the high ways rather than having to know the details of them. Sometimes is a key word here ... (smile)