Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Holy Spirit Dare


Less than a week ago I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to let Him draw me to a dare. I am reading Brene Brown's book, Daring Greatly  with some friends who want to take the challenge as well. A vision emerges of a goggle-laden Snoopy with scarf flying horizontally straddling his doghouse. Victory! Soon though, I began to wonder just what my dare would mean? What would the fresh place of my daring?
While it hasn't been announced yet, my dare is something I've done before on a very small scale. Previously, I could do it at my leisure  and inspiration. My current dare is much more directed as well as occurring daily. These two facts make this an adventure uncharted for me. I must practice the presence of God and be very aware of the present moments in my life. I have the feeling this will evaluate my vanity and define my dare. 

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