Saturday, March 01, 2014

Sucker Protection - Skepticism

Have you ever found there are some people who just won’t believe you? They are sure there is a “catch” somewhere or somehow.  The blind man mentioned John 9:8-9 must have heard many a comment about the validity of his healing. People made excuses for their skepticism so they would not be uncomfortable with the results. Have we become equally cynical?  It must be those blasted infomercials! They are never as they seem. Yes, that’s it; you can’t believe anything you see. The daily adventures of mailbox offerings (snail mail as well as email) only embolden us to assure ourselves that we will not be suckered into some scam. There’s a sense of satisfaction knowing no one fooled us.

What about the matters of the Kingdom of God? What do you do when something happens about which you are not comfortable? Excuses seem easier than actually just believing that God might have moved in a person’s life. Ponder those people who are closer to the Kingdom of God than you might know (or think).  Oh how messy moves of God can be on opened heart humans!

Jesus sees people as potentials for a full life in His Kingdom. If we could only see through His eyes! Actually, we can. It just means reminding ourselves to push past the comfort zone of our thinking and drop the pride of being suckered. I don’t have to know another person’s complete story; Jesus does. I don’t have to have all my questions answered; Jesus knows. He is the author and finisher of our (all of us!) faith. (Heb. 12:2)

How are you protecting yourself from being suckered and maybe missing how God is moving in your sphere of influence?

Father, I confess I hate to look foolish. Being suckered is not comfortable. Sometimes I don’t know who is authentic and who is not. Help me lay aside the weight of skepticism. You start each person’s walk of faith and we each are on a journey of finishing.  Remind me that I don’t know their journey, but You do. Stir me to look to You as we are all moving to finish well!

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