Thursday, March 20, 2014

Passionate Love!

We are a people who hear more Biblical instruction that we can possibly absorb. We believe if we can hear one more tidbit, it will push us over the edge to that great place of magnificent holiness, great testimony and magnanimous works! Sound inviting?

The people who hung around Jesus were impacted and they in turn did the same . . . generally. Andrew went and told Peter about Jesus. Zacheus heard about Jesus and hung out in a tree just to see Him! Why were they doing this? Jesus inspired passion in them so they would change from the inside, have a stronger outside influence and ignite others. They had met "I AM".

Paul lived through that "igniting experience" on the road to Damascus. He was changed. It was really obvious - inside and out. He found people who he could engage to passionately follow Christ. Timothy was one of those people. Paul wrote a letter to Timothy to encourage him to help correct some mindless teaching happening in Ephesus where people would teach strange doctrines. Paul wanted Timothy to give a clear teaching about the truth of Jesus Christ.

I Timothy 1:5 says "The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith."

Paul knew that to teach about I AM meant more than a droll rollout of doctrine. The goal really was love. The instruction would bring about a clean heart from the inside. The instruction would also stir a good conscience. This kind of conscience has a way of showing up in the form of a testimony. Finally, this instruction would give rise to a genuine faith. Timothy knew if his teaching was just doctrinal dogma, it wouldn't produce love. The clean heart would be mere form. The testimony would be sullied. The works produced would be begrudging at best.

Not so with the passionate love Jesus exuded! It caught people in all areas of their life. Timothy wanted the believers in Ephesus to know the passion flowing from I AM was a major component to the goal of love. Love didn't have to be rustled up. I AM passionate love pours out through the heart and the testimony and the works of the believer.

Are you still looking for that one more bit of teaching that will push you over the edge to a great walk with God? Might you ask I AM to reveal His passion to you?

Father, I think I want Your passion running through me. Sometimes I don't realize what I am really praying. I like the idea of losing the mere form of religion. It smells like last weekend's fish bucket. It would be amazing not to worry about whether I am doing "ok" for Jesus. Your passion . . . I need Your passion.  I wonder if I know what I am asking? What would Your passionate love look like in my life? I'm not sure I know, but it has to be better than now. Come, Father . . .

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