Friday, March 28, 2014

Holy Spirit Risk

Risk is so . . . . risky! Somebody challenges you to do something that makes you sweat just to think about it. You just plain don't want to do it. How come they asked you? For heaven's sake. Ask somebody else! Oh wait . . . that somebody was God. (gulp)

John 6 has Jesus telling his followers that they can eat of the bread of life (Him) and never hunger again. They are a bit aghast at the thought. They even get offended and wonder just who would listen to that kind of teaching? Now, He wasn't talking about cannibalism. They were so taken back, they couldn't see He was talking metaphorically. He told them He was speaking to them at the Spirit level rather than at the physical level. Honestly, some of them were so grossed out they left the troop of followers. They questioned among themselves asking who could listen to such a teaching? They saw no risk in leaving the group. They just couldn't follow Him.

Little did the remaining bunch know what they would be facing. When you're risking, sometimes it's better that way. Have you ever heard someone say, "if I knew this was going to happen, I'd never have started this!" Probably their greatest challenge was not the events (although there were plenty of those). The greatest challenge was the risk of trusting the unknown steps forward. Jesus reminded them what they would experience would be about Spirit things. His words (about being the Bread of Life) were about Spirit and truth.

Spirit events are subtle. They are not always so touchable nor are they cleanly explainable. Jesus knew what was coming. Would they lean into the truth of Jesus' words to them? Would they risk His calling on them for the days ahead? Later, Peter blurted out, "Lord where else could we go for the words of life?" A few people hung around to risk. We know the whole story now, and can say it was a worthwhile risk. How do you know if the risk of a Spirit event is worthwhile? Do you think Peter knew the fire of God was going to fall on  him and he'd tell a huge group of people that they crucified Jesus? Sometimes it's better just to follow as you hear His voice and trust He will give you all you need at the time. Of course, the more you risk and experience His words in your life, the more you want more . . . and more of His Spirit and life. It's risky!

Father, sometimes I don't know if I have what it takes to risk for Spirit and life. It sounds so good; the stories I read stir me deeply. I will never know until just look You in the face and say "yes".  Bread of Life, I cry out for the fulness You bring of Spirit and life. Yes . . .

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