Monday, March 17, 2014

Tell the Stories!

Ps 145:4 -  One generation will tell its children of Your mighty acts; let them proclaim Your power.

A couple of years ago, I had the honor of being invited to the home of a Jewish family to celebrate a major holiday of their faith. Because I love the heritage of Hebrew history to my own faith, I jumped at the chance to join three generations at they sat together and celebrated. I was curious to hear the stories as I've read them in the Bible. I wondered if they would tell the stories as they were directed to remember them. How would each generation tell the stories to the next and the next generation?

Moses needed to know who would be the back up for him coming to Pharoah with demands to be released from bondage. Moses had seen the power of God, but going face to face with someone who could kill you seemed an ominous endeavor. Continuing to face Pharoah through the various plagues, Moses became more and more courageous because he experienced the power of I AM. He didn't become complacent in the Presence of God. The more he saw, the more awe-filled he became. He continued to have those celebration days to remember how God (I AM) had shown Himself in powerful ways to protect and strengthen the children of Israel.

What has been your experience with the Presence of God? When Jesus was on the earth, His very presence impacted people and situations. I would have liked to have been in the group when Judas and the others were looking for Jesus to arrest Him. He heard their question about His whereabouts, so He stepped out to meet them. He said, "I AM". The power of His declaration physically threw the pursuers to the ground (John 18:6)! How's that for a story to tell the kids?

Here's what I've noticed though. My Jewish family celebration missed the inexplicable Presence of God. I actually cried on my drive home as I recalled the Hebrew stories I knew of our Mighty God. When I hear those stories of the strong work of I AM, I know I am changed. How could someone miss this amazing power?

Have you heard/read the stories of I AM?

Are you so used to hearing the stories of I AM, that you are no longer impressed by them?

How does the Presence of God affect you?

Father, whether I've heard the stories or not, I pray You would stir me to open my heart to be undone by Your Presence. Your stories are magnificent, but even more, they are life changing. Every area of my life provides an opportunity where You have stood in history as I AM. There is no place where I AM is inefficient or inadequate. If I am unsure I can lean on You, remind me to read the stories of those who did and experienced the power of I AM. The next time someone wonders where God is in a situation, I need Your nudge to remind me I AM is there!

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