Thursday, March 03, 2005

They Made It to Grampa's!

I just got the call . . ."hey there . . . we're here!"

12 hours later . . . Gramma and Grandpa led them to their place out in the country. What did we do before cell phones? Hmmm . .as I recall, we found the nearest town, plugged in quarters (nope . .not dimes) and hoped they were home. They always were.

Two kids will sleep like logs tonight and get on with their plans for the rest of the weekend and next week. There's still lots of driving, but nothing like this 12 hour day. Mountain Dew, Starbuck's, rip roaring tunes and LOTS of talking kept them awake I'd imagine.

Ok . . . now we can go back to our regularly schedule blog topics.
(If I can find them . . .)
(Thank you Father, for keeping them safe on the highways. Let this be an awesomely fun and safe time. Amen)

1 comment:

Magdaleine said...

I got here late but I sure enjoyed your entries today. Well done! I'll bet it feels good to know the kids are safe at the other end. You have a very unique style of writing that I quite enjoy, Yadah. Thanks for sharing.