Sunday, June 18, 2006

Great Night's Sleep

We finally got my husband home from the hospital. It's not that we weren't willing or even that he wasn't ready. It was about doctors. Gotta love em, right? It was a long Saturday afternoon trying to get my hubby released from the hospital, but we made it home by midevening, finally. Woohoo!

After he got home, he settled in nicely. We thought he had a temperature, but that went away in the night. Woohoo, again! A wonderful treat for us both was a great night's sleep. I don't sleep all that well when I'm not in my bed (with my hubby). We were both tired when we went to bed, but we just didn't know HOW tired until it was bright daylight out when we both woke up! It's been a long time since we've slept that long!

We're thanking God for a continual healing during this time. We're also thanking Him for a great night's sleep! Trust for many more too!

Thanks to all who've been praying - we're grateful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that your dh's surgery went well. I've been praying for you all. =)
I bet it feels good to be home again.
Huggers and continued prayers,