What do you do when you know you did something wrong but you don't know how to fix it? Then you find out you can't fix it. Then you find out - it's fixed!
Imagine waking up to a perfect world. You don't know it's perfect; it's the way it's always been for you. Then you make a choice. You didn't realize your choice would affect an entire planet and its environment. Wow . . . some choice!
Because of your choice, a shadow of sorts comes over the world. Everyone is touched by the cloud of imperfection. You were confronted by your choice and it's affect. You experienced the judgement of the Perfect One. You are sad and now you have to figure out how to live in imperfection.
The Perfect One reaches out to you for the same fellowship that you've know before that terrible choice. You never quite forget the pain of the choice, but the closer you stay to the Perfect One, the safer and more comforted you feel. He tells you One will come with whom mankind may have that close fellowship again. During the wait though, the entire earth will groan with longing for the Perfect One's fellowship.
I sometimes wonder how Eve made it through a marriage and children without anyone who'd lived before her. Yes, she had some rocky places along the way. Haven't you? She had had the experience of walking perfectly in close companionship with God. He did make a way to cover her sin for awhile and then for always.
The blood of bulls and goats lasted for awhile as a sacrifice offering to God. Finally, Jesus would be the last sacrifice needed. No longer is there more sacrificing for sin; it is not needed. God remembers our sin no more. (Hebrews 10:17) Now people can live however they choose? No so with God's people. They long for what Eve had originally. Imagine walking in the cool of the day with God? Imagine being able to come open faced (boldly) into His Presence? (Hebrews 4:16) Eve actually had this experience and because of Jesus, we can too!
Father, the thought of walking with You in a tangible way seems amazing. I know You are with me, but walking in the cool of the day brings a sweet image to my brain. I love that closeness throughout my day. Remind me, Father, that those walks together were what refreshed and directed Eve. They were not short pop-in conversations; there was communion. Looking forward to my day . . .
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