Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lose to Gain

I did not renew my ministerial credentials today. It was hard and I am in a contemplative mood. It's just a sad day for me. Somehow, I want to encourage myself in the Lord like David did.

I remind myself again . . .

"Lord . . . may I keep in step with You. I want to be Your church moving into the future."
ED note: I edited out a link that didn't seem to be appropriate at this time. I still do want to be part of a forward thinking group though. I have found some people whose faith is ahead of me so I know I will have good models for my faith walk in the future. I'm seeing life with different eyes at this time. It will be good I know, even though at this time there is still a sense of loss. It's just a different season.


Magdaleine said...


I was wondering what you'd be doing about renewal. I'm sorry for your pain. I'm sorry that its come to this for you. And yet, I know that what God has ahead of you far surpasses any pain you might be feeling. I know that going where God has called you is worth it!

I reread the post you linked to. It might be a good post to have up in every pastor's office and every church vestibule.

I want to challenge you with something though. Can you rewrite that in the positive? Can you take the very same sentiments but change them to say what good things are in a church that belongs to the future? I'd like to read a post like that.


Yadah said...

I guess I could do that, Maggie. It's just a quote I got from a book though. These aren't my words. I might just drop the whole post. I didn't realize it was such a downer. Usually I'm more positive for sure.