Saturday, February 18, 2006

Seismic Shifts Create Waves

As I’m in Toronto for a few more days, I have been reading some great books. I went to a bookstore that had several bins of books on sale. Woohoo! Now that’s a treat for me! I picked up a couple of books to read. The friend at whose house I am staying loaned me a book as well. It’s been great to have the time to sit and read a whole book at one time. I confess that they were a pretty fast read and skimming at that!

This was the week that much culminated regarding decisions made in months past. It’s the sort of thing that you know is coming, but you can’t believe it’s here and basically done. Decisions are easier made in your living room than lived out among people you’ve loved for many years.

As I was searching the bins of sale books, I found one with a copyright of 2005. It’s not an old book! The back of the book said “It’s easy to talk about changing your life. Here’s how you actually do it.” I picked the book up, looked at the back cover and realized that
Seismic Shifts was a book I would have to have.

Kevin Harney writes about these shifts that must happen to move into freshness in life. I might be writing on other things I’ve gleaned from this book, but at the moment the tidbit that is rumbling in me is the phrase “tunnel of chaos”. Harney says that Bill Hybels coined the phrase. That tunnel is the place you enter after you’ve come to the end of living in pseudocommunity – a false sense of peace based on avoiding honesty and constantly sidestepping confrontation. While confrontation is never fun, the deeper relationship to be enjoyed on the other side of the “tunnel of chaos” is worth every bit of the challenge encountered in the “tunnel”. This adventure is not a one time thing, but more of the treasure of authentic Christianity is in store at the other end of every step.

I am challenged to find those places of “pseudocommunity” in my life. I think this will be a huge trust thing between the Lord and I. I believe that He will walk with me through those chaos times. I believe that He has been walking with me for the last year. It feels like I’m about through the tunnel.

I am longing for more authenticity in my life. I know that I cannot expect something of others that I will not expect of myself. At least for now, I have some mental pictures to help me know where I’m going and who I’m impacting.

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