When I was a young follower of Christ, I remember asking my sister (who was my mentor) just how I could remember all that the Bible said. There were such good sayings and it seemed like she knew them all. How did she remember all of those good words? My sister actually memorized verses from the Bible. Wow! So I started trying my hardest to memorize as I'd seen her do. I was mediocre at best. To recall those words when they were most needed became a rich time between God and me. It felt like I had a treasure trove of help from which to draw and He would point out the verse for the right time. It seemed like a running conversation with God because I knew "His" words. Over the years, that conversation has become richer and richer as I have moved to learn more and more of His conversation - His Word.
One of the very first God conversations I learned was Psalm 119:105. "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." My sister told me now that I was a Christ follower, things would seem a little different. No kidding! Actually, I began to realize the more of His conversations I knew the more I would understand His ways.
I imagine walking down a path with little lights on my feet - much like the headlamps people wear these days. Of course, God puts out the yard lights in paths where I can go. My head is thinking of a variety of scriptures around this idea. "This is the way, walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21) "The paths of a good man are ordered by The Lord." (Psalms 37:23) Can you see what I mean? The pictures of God lighting our way can be found throughout the Bible.
Proverbs 16:24 says "Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
What if today we look for scriptures about God's light. Can you find at least one to list as a comment to this post? Remember you're sweetening each other's souls and bringing healing to bones. There's nothing more rich than the conversations God gives us through His Word, the Bible. Those words are great conversation starters with others too. I know. I'm a product of my sister's willingness to let me ask questions and then try to answer as best as she could.
Father, I wonder if I worry about sounding too preachy if I say a Bible verse to anyone else? Encourage me to remember I don't have to say them in a preachy tone. Help me be creative in my approach. Help me have a timely word that would fit without condemnation. Let my words be seasoned with grace. I really like honeycombs. Nudge me, Father, to grow in getting Your Word into my heart. I remember the verse, "Your Word have treasured in my heart that I might not sin against You." Psalms 119:11, NASB
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